Friday 17 July 2015

Treatment & Control on Piles


Three major reasons of Piles

1: Chronic constipation  
2: Chronic diarrhea
3: Straining when passing a stool

                   Treatment & Control


Fig is the best fruit for treating the chronic constipation. The seeds inside the fig add bulk to your stool and cause movements in intestine. 
If the patients of constipation add figs to their diet and have biles in time then this disease can be gone forever. Fig is good for digestive system and it helps a lot in digestion of food. 
Fig clean out the blood vessels, this makes it very effective in the treatment of piles.

Butcher's Broom

The plant butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus), also known as knee holly, box holly, and sweet broom, got its name because it was once used by European butchers to clean their chopping blocks. Butcher's broom has a long history of use as a folk remedy for hemorrhoids and varicose veins. 
Butcher's broom may promote constriction of the veins by activating alpha-adrenergic receptors on smooth muscle cells of the walls of the veins. There is a lack of evidence on the effectiveness of butcher's broom for hemorrhoids. Limited studies, which include a review of 124 cases of patients with hemorrhoids, found that 75 percent of reporting physicians rated butcher's broom extract as having good or excellent effectiveness in reducing hemorrhoids. Further research is needed.
Butcher's broom is usually recommended in capsule or tea form. The tea, which has a slightly bitter taste, is typically made by steeping one teaspoon of the herb in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. 
Butcher's broom may interact with medication for high blood pressure, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), alpha blockers, anti-depressants or MAO inhibitors, so it's crucial to talk with your doctor before taking butcher's broom.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of nature’s best ingredients for treating hemorrhoids. The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties of aloe vera help reduce the irritation of hemorrhoids. Aloe vera can be used for both internal and external hemorrhoids.

  • For treating external hemorrhoids, apply a little bit of aloe vera gel to your anus and slowly massage the area. This simple remedy will give relief from the pain and soothe the burning sensation.
  • To treat internal hemorrhoids, cut aloe vera leaves in strips. Make sure to cut off the thorn-like parts of the plant. Place the slices in a container and freeze them. Apply the icy cold aloe vera strip to the painful hemorrhoid to relieve the pain, burning, and itching sensation.

Non-surgical treatments

There are certain treatments that you’ll need to go into hospital for as an outpatient. You won’t usually have to stay overnight. These include the following.

  • Banding. This involves placing a small elastic band around the pile, which cuts off the blood supply. This causes it to die and fall off after a few days. The area left behind will heal up naturally.
  • Sclerotherapy. This involves having your piles injected with an oily solution, which makes them shrivel up.
  • Infra-red coagulation or laser treatment. This uses infra-red light to seal the veins above the pile, which causes it to shrink.
  • Bipolar diathermy and direct current electrotherapy treatment. This uses an electrical current to destroy the pile.

Most people who have one of these procedures find that it helps. You may be offered a newer procedure called Doppler-guided haemorrhoidal artery ligation. This uses an ultrasound probe to find an artery in your anal canal that can be stitched up to limit the blood supply to your piles. Experts aren't yet sure how well this procedure works.
Your doctor will let you know the benefits and risks of the procedure recommended for you.