Thursday 2 July 2015

5 Teeth whitening remedies

1.Mix the baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. 

   Hydrogen peroxide is a great household product that can be used to effectively whiten teeth. Mix half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda into a paste that resembles the consistency of toothpaste. Brush your teeth with this mixture, then let it sit on your teeth for a minute or two. Rinse off with water or mouthwash.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can be found at drugstores. Make sure you have a 3% solution, which is safe to use orally.
  • Hydrogen peroxide also makes an effective antibacterial mouthwash. Dilute hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water. 

2.Mix the baking soda with lemon or lime juice. 

  Baking soda can also be mixed with fresh lemon or lime juice, as the citric acid in these fruits is an effective bleaching agent. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. Brush this mixture onto your teeth using a toothbrush and leave to sit for about a minute before rinsing thoroughly.

  • Be aware that most dentists do not recommend this method, as the citric acid in the juice is corrosive and will damage teeth

3.Coconut oil pulling.

Put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it between your teeth for 5 to 20 minutes.  Or add a few drops to your tooth brush and simple brush it on, or add the coconut oil to a corner of a clean wash cloth and rub it on.  Also, coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it’s great for your gums as well.

4.Lemon or Orange Peels.

There have been reports that lemon and orange peels will also do the trick of whitening your teeth. Guess you don’t know until you try.  Here again, these food products are very healthy and good for your stomach but the acid content might eventually wear away the enamel on the teeth. So if you use lemon or orange peel always rinse afterwards to be on the safe side. A good oral mouth rinse is hydrogen peroxide because it keeps breath fresh by eliminating bad breath and also is a very good bacterial agent. Use half water and half hydrogen peroxide, swish around in your mouth and leave in for at least a full min

5.Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV).

It makes sense that apple cider vinegar would eventually remove stubborn stains on the teeth, especially from coffee and nicotine. It has been proven that it does work but you have to be consistent and it takes a least a month of continuous usage to see results. Some say that using ACV looks like you just got your teeth professionally cleansed.  Be careful, as with all acids, it can remove the enamel on your teeth as well. After brushing with ACV, you will need to brush again with regular toothpaste, preferably a non fluoride paste, or rinse your mouth out really well.