Wednesday 4 November 2015

Exercises For Great Memory And Good Brain Working.

Our brain goes weak with the increasing age but if we keep it exercising in our daily routine then it can be quick and healthy, it's just like you workout in gym. You keep your muscles working so you remain fit, If you give some tricky tasks to your brain and keep it exercising then it can be quick and you can have a good memory.

Here are some exercises which can improve your memory.

Passwords Can Help In Improving Memory. 

If you have a lot of accounts of different media like FaceBook Twitter, Gmail , Yahoo, Steam etc... then instead of a same password for every account, have different passwords for every account, this will help your brain to exercise by remembering the passwords as per account and keep changing those passwords after 2 or 3 weeks or after a month but every account should have different password.

Give time to yourself.

Take out some time from your routine life for yourself, go for a ride or a walk, go to mountains or a park or you can meditate at home instead of going out. But its about to do something stress releasing and make your brain feel free. Video games greatly help to improve the memory.

Your PhoneBook Can Improve Your Memory.

Don't save any new phone number too quick, try to remember it instead of saving it at the spot and save it later. Try to remember phone numbers of your friends and family from your contact list and when you have to make a call then type that number manually instead of selecting it from your contact list for a call.

Make A Short Grocery List.

Try to remember some of grocery items as much as you can memorize and make a list of remaining which you cant remember, try to shorten your grocery list every time and try to remember maximum items instead of writing down in the list.

Laugh As Much As You Can.

Laughing is a great exercise for a good blood flow and it also release stress and calms you down. Laughing decreases the stress and also improves the blood flow, when brain have less stress and a good blood flow then its working improves.

Having Shower Can Play a Role For a Good Memory.

When ever you're having a shower, close your eyes under it and feel the falling streams of water on your body this will increase the sense of feeling the environment and ultimately makes the brain to exercise, so it also improves brain working.

Have Good Sleep And Naps.

Make sure that your bed not causing you any problem while you're sleeping on it.
Have a good sleep time from 6 to 8 hours and try to sleep early at night, sleeping less can effect the working of brain and it gives kinda tiring sensation which may cause not a good start of the day.

Go To Gym.

Having workout can make you feel yourself great and will make you confident, for a healthy brain and its normal working one should have less stress and a good health which is easily possible through a good physique.